Many of you may remember that we as young workers kicked off this year with a bang because IT’S YEAR OF THE YOUNG WORKER! Well we’re over half way through the year now and I’ll be completely honest with you, I think as young workers we’ve smashed it and I can’t wait to see all the changes we made put into actions. Here’s the lowdown on what changes we’ve got coming up and what we’ve done so far!

Every January is the young workers conference and this year the turnout of young workers almost doubled from last year. The number of motions that we had at conference doubled as well, showing that there is a fire in young workers to actual make changes to the world of work.

Talking about conference, we had 3 conferences in April in Bournemouth. General Conference, Rules Revisions and Industrial conference. The show of young workers getting up and speaking at rostrum was unbelievable! We showed that we were a force to be reckoned with and passing some motions at conference means that we now have seats on the some of the key committees in the union so that young workers are heard at all levels.

Let me break it down for you, because I know the make up of the union can be confusing (to be honest, it still confuses me sometimes, but here we go). On the National Executive Committee, young workers will have myself (Erin Brett) and Luke Elgar representing you and, on the Telecoms, and Financial Services Executive you will have Andrew Mercer. We still have the National Young Worker Committee in place and we’re currently getting all prepped for the education event in October, which I hope to see a lot of you at!

If you have any questions of anything at all, don’t be afraid to contact your National young worker representative for your region, or any other young worker.