Political Fund Ballot 2024

10 Reasons to Vote YES in the Political Fund Ballot


1. Support our members getting involved in politics

Our political fund allows us to support our members in taking up political office at every level of government. We use our fund to support members who run to be councillors and MPs, as well as providing opportunities for political education funding.


2. Policy in our core industries

Our influence as a union is clearly visible in the new Labour government’s policy- whether it is ensuring the Royal Mail takeover is scrutinised properly, strengthening the Post Office network, improving regulation and cross-training opportunities in the Telecommunications sector or ensuring trade unions are at the forefront of decisions to introduce new technology in the workplace, including surveillance and AI tech.


3. Lobbying politicians

Lobbying politicians is a core part of our political work. We work with politicians across the political spectrum to advocate for better policies for our members and their workplaces. Big businesses are constantly lobbying the government and it is vital that we stand up to their anti-worker agenda.


4. Working outside Westminster

In Scotland, we have worked with experts in Community Wealth Building to develop specific industrial and political campaigns and in Wales, we work with politicians in the Senedd to help push the CWU’s objectives in every community. Working with Metro Mayors also continues to be a key part of our political strategy.


5. Getting involved in the grassroots

Working with the Labour Party is only one part of our union’s wide-ranging political strategy. From supporting international workers in their causes abroad to working with football fans through organisations like Fans Supporting Foodbanks, the CWU will continue to support grassroots political initiatives, outside of Parliament, that support our trade union values.


6. Opposing cuts, fighting for public services and against privatisation

We will continue to campaign against austerity, for the full restoration of our public services and pay for those workers. Most importantly, we will continue to campaign for the renationalisation of our core industries, regardless of who is in government.


7. Achieving equality

Tackling racism, campaigning against the far-right and working with antiracist organisations to encourage solidarity with all working people is a key part of our political strategy and having a political fund supports this work.


8. Supporting branches and local democracy

Having a political fund also allows branches to spend a proportion of their rebate on local political work and initiatives, as well as connecting with local politicians and funding political events and meetings.


9. Smashing anti-trade union laws

Labour’s commitment to repealing many anti-trade union laws will allow greater trade union access to unorganised workplaces and make the recognition process simpler. These policies were fought for by the CWU and other trade unions, which was only made possible by our Political Fund.


10. Sectoral collective bargaining

We want to see the expansion of sectoral collective bargaining to our industries, to introduce minimum levels of pay, terms and conditions for entire sectors. This is key to ending the race-to-the-bottom and undercutting of terms and conditions, something which is prevalent in our core industries.


Make sure you return your ballot ASAP. If you have any questions, please contact the General Secretary’s Department at jdunn@cwu.org.