Fleet Ballot Result
Postal, Fleet & Maintenance Services June 13 2024We are pleased to announce the result of the Fleet Pay ballot for 2023/2024 and 2024/2025 pay rises. The full breakdown is attached at Annex 1.
- Total ballot papers received: 600 (66%)
- Yes votes: 470 (79%)
- No votes: 127 (21%)
- Spoilt ballot papers: 3
Therefore, CWU Fleet members have overwhelmingly endorsed the Fleet pay agreement.
We recognise that this agreement has been a long time coming and that for many Fleet members the time it has taken has been frustrating.
The endorsement of the pay agreement will now trigger a period of work which includes:
Understanding who is moving to 37 hours and who wants to remain at 34.5 hours subject to meeting the agreed criteria.
Once the above work has occurred the back pay from April 2023 to April 2024 can be calculated and a payment date agreed.
The date when the £500 payment will be paid.
The date when the pay rise commences.
The timescales for the workshop revision agreements which is linked to a further 2% backdated to April 2024.
The swap system process linked to the 1-4 rostered Saturdays.
During the ballot process we received questions over how the overtime rates would be applied and we can confirm that 2% will be applied to the pay rate for 2024/2025.
We will update colleagues on the above in the coming days.
In the meantime, we would like to place on record our thanks to you all for your continued support.