About Us

The CWU Young Workers exist to co-ordinate young members (under 30) in the CWU to ensure they have a voice in the union and a platform for campaigning on issues relevant to all young workers. They work to develop union policy and organise education and events to bring together young workers.

The National Young Workers Committee has 20 members elected every year at conference along with two NEC members and are supported by a Youth Co-ordinator at head office.

Additionally each Region of CWU has a Regional Young Worker lead working with members on issues affecting them in the regions and bringing together our Young Worker Branch Officers.

Every year we hold a Young Workers conference for young members from across the union to debate and decide on Union policy and campaigning relating to young workers.

To find out more or get involved please contact us on: cwuyoungworkers@cwu.org or contact Young Workers Co-ordinator Kerry Fleck on  kfleck@cwu.org or 07704306418

You can also follow CWU Young Workers on our socials:



